ao primeiro arquipélago do mundo certificado como destino sustentável.
ao primeiro arquipélago do mundo certificado como destino sustentável.
to the first archipelago in the world certified as a sustainable destination
Carbon calculator
Saiba a quantidade de emissões de CO2 produzidas nas suas atividades diárias.
Saiba a quantidade de emissões de CO2 produzidas nas suas atividades diárias.
Find out the amount of CO2 emissions produced in your daily activities
Uma iniciativa para estimular todos os setores a caminhar rumo ao desenvolvimento sustentável de todo o território.
Uma iniciativa do Governo dos Açores para estimular todos os setores a caminhar rumo ao desenvolvimento sustentável de todo o território.
An initiative to encourage all sectors to move towards the sustainable development of the entire territory
Join us,
towards a more
sustainable future
The road is traveled every day, in the harmonious alliance between people and nature to make the Azores a unique and sustainable territory!
Aware of the importance of preserving the natural, environmental, and cultural heritage of the Azores, Azoreans have been active protagonists of the Region’s sustainability.
Here we work continuously to promote sustainable development in all areas of activity, to ensure a better quality of life for those who live here and a differentiating experience for those who visit us.
Good practices in the Azores
The following have been developed sustainability policies in terms of energy production and management, noise, air quality, waste, water, land and landscape planning, in terms of promoting environmental education and awareness, and in terms of valorizing endogenous products, heritage, and Azorean culture.
Scroll over each practice to learn more
of the Azores' water is safe for human consumption.
Electrical Energy
of the electricity produced in the Azores comes from renewable sources, in 2010, the figure was 28%.
Biosphere Reserve
- Graciosa, Flores, Corvo and Fajãs de São Jorge are UNESCO Biosphere Reserves.
- The Azores implement LIFE and BLUE programs and 33 thousand hectares are included in the Natura 2000 Network.
World Patrimony
- Angra do Heroísmo and Pico Island Vineyard Landscape are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
- Azores Geopark is a unique UNESCO world heritage site.
A project aimed to decrease the energy of fossil origin.
Urban Waste
of the Azores' urban waste is recovered and seven islands have a recycling rate of more than 80%.
A sustainable destination
The Azores is a destination of 9 islandswith natural, historical, and cultural resources that make it unique. For this reason, for more than two decades, initiatives that lead to the protection and preservation of these resources have been prioritized.
Sustainability is the only way forward for Tourism in the Azores. We face this commitment with a great sense of responsibility, and for this reason we have submitted the Azores to a rigorous sustainability certification process, by EarthCheck.
Only through a collaborative structure will we achieve the truly sustainable development
Azores DMO
Under the authority of the Government of the Azores and the Regional Secretariat for Tourism, Mobility and Infrastructure, the main function of the DMO is to coordinate sustainability efforts and initiatives, acting as a stimulus for sustainable tourism development among public and private sector partners.
Be a part!
Your collaboration is fundamental for certification of the Azores as a sustainable destination.
This space is open to you.
Leave us your opinions, suggestions and questions.
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The Sustainability Management Structure – Azores DMO acts as a facilitator of sustainable development throughout the Azores Region, mobilizing public entities, private entities, and non-governmental associations to collaborate towards a more sustainable future. With the certification process of the Azores as a sustainable destination by EarthCheck, we demonstrate how we have moved from words to actions, monitoring and annually assessing the level of compliance with the commitments made for the sustainability of the Azores.
The certification process is demanding, with a
set of strict criteria that the Azores Region has to meet. The process is
verified annually by external audits.
Cartilha de Sustentabilidade dos Açores
We want everyone to be a part of it! That’s why we created the Sustainability Charter of the Azores – a pioneering mechanism for the adoption of the SDGs throughout the Region.