Azores launches a non-reusable packaging deposit system in all municipalities

The Regional Secretary for Energy, Environment and Tourism said that, in 2021, 25 reverse logistics machines will be installed, ensuring at least one piece of equipment per municipality, implementing a non-reusable packaging deposit system in the Azores, covering plastic, glass and metal, with a capacity of up to 2.5 liters. The system includes an incentive to the consumer per returned package, which is expected to be around 5 cents regardless of the material or its size. “As a mechanism to encourage returns, the prizes can be credited by card, physical or virtual (electronic application), without the issue of paper coupons, and can be redeemed, in cash, at RIAC stores”, was explained. Marta Guerreiro, who spoke at Horta at the presentation of the project, added that “in deposit systems that are installed by commercial establishments, the consumer premium may be awarded via a coupon or a discount card for purchases, discounts on store, products, or activities or services, among others ”. In addition to the public system, it is intended that commercial establishments will be able to make their own non-reusable beverage packaging equipment available on their premises, at least for those whose main structural component is plastic. “It is anticipated that about 10 more pieces of equipment can be installed in the areas with the highest population concentration, specifically in large commercial areas,” she said. According to Marta Guerreiro, “one of the first actions of the project involves the characterization of the initial situation in the sense of defining the exact location of the equipment”, in a system that will have centralized management, allowing to monitor the quantities received and issue alerts regarding the levels filling and malfunctions. Within the scope of the project, various dissemination, awareness and training actions will be promoted, in what is yet another measure that will “make the population aware of the need for the separation of waste and its proper routing, promote the circular economy, increase the quantity and quality of packaging collected and sent for recycling and contributing to the respective goals ”. The project represents an investment of 941 thousand euros, 90% reimbursed by the European Economic Area (EEA) Grants – program “Environment, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy” and has an execution period of about 18 months. .


Rehabilitation centers in the Azores have already received almost a thousand wild birds

The Regional Director for the Environment, Hernâni Jorge, revealed today, outside the action of returning to the natural environment of the kite bird (Buteo buteo rothschildi), at Quinta de São Lourenço, which, since the beginning of the implementation of the network in the Archipelago, the Wild Bird Rehabilitation Centers (CERAS-Açores) have already received a total of 945 individuals, of different species. The reintroduction of the bird of prey in the wild took place after a period of treatment at the Wild Birds Rehabilitation Center of Pico, which allowed it to recover from the injuries on one of the legs, resulting from captivity in captivity, when rescued by a team of Nature Watchers, on May 8, in the parish of Flamengos, where it was also released. On the occasion, Hernâni Jorge, took the opportunity to “condemn the behavior of those – fortunately, less and less – who do not respect nature and biodiversity”, adding that “since the kite bird is a priority protected species, its capture or detention in captivity constitutes a serious environmental offense, punishable by a fine of between 2,000 to 20,000 euros, in case of negligence, or 4,000 to 40,000 euros, in case of intent “. See more.