
Azores wins “People’s Choice 2022” award from Green Destinations

The Azores won the People’s Choice Award 2022, awarded by Green Destinations, in the category “Decarbonization & Positioning of the destination value supply chain”. In a ceremony organized in partnership with Turismo de Portugal, I.P. and GLP Films, which took place on March 11, 2022 at ITB Berlin, the Azores were awarded for good energy efficiency practices throughout the region and, in particular, for the example of Graciosa Island, known as “model island”. The attribution of the People’s Choice 2022 award proves and reinforces the strategic positioning of the Azores as a sustainable tourist destination, certified by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) criteria, and proves the region’s alignment with the European Union’s strategic guidelines for the future development of tourism. This award is also the result of the work of the Government of the Azores in promoting renewable energies and the investments and initiatives that aim to promote energy efficiency and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In Graciosa, these efforts are worth of mention for the adoption of several measures in terms of sustainable transport, through the investment in an electric bus and the adoption of a ‘bike sharing’ system, self-consumption in clean energy, as well as network electric optimization. ITB Berlin is the largest travel and tourism fair in the world, in partnership with Green Destinations, an entity accredited by the GSTC that recognizes good practices in sustainable development of tourist destinations, over the last few years, projects and initiatives of in the area of Sustainable Tourism, having already distinguished the Azores on several occasions. Source: Açoriano Oriental


Azores considered the “Best Adventure Destination in Europe in 2021”

It was in the 29th edition of the World Travel Awards that the Azores archipelago was announced as the big winner of the “European Destination for Adventure Tourism in 2021”, an event that industry professionals likened to the Oscars, in the area of Tourism. The following destinations were also nominated for this category: Austria, England, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Madeira Island, Norway, Portugal, Scotland, Spain and Wales and the voting had the participation of the public and thousands of professionalism spread. all over the world, which led to the second consecutive destination distinction in this category: Adventure. Luis Capdeville Botelho, executive director of Associação Turismo dos Açores, highlights the happiness in re-validating the distinction, in a category that brings together a large part of our experiences and is another very relevant tool to promote our world destination. He also reinforces that “taking into account the growing demand for sustainable, non-mass tourism and immersive/adventure experiences in contact with nature, ATA, due to the unique characteristics of our archipelago, will continue to promote our products, so sought after by those who visit us, in the best way possible”. Source: Açores 9


The Government of the Azores highlights the importance of sustainable tourism practices

The Regional Secretary for Transport, Tourism and Energy of the Azores, Mário Mota Borges, defended in Lyon (France) that it is determinant to follow sustainable practices, for the benefit of locals and tourists who visit the Azores. Mário Mota Borges, guest speaker representing the Azores, in the ISTO Forum Europe – an event that takes place in Lyon and is organized by the European section of the International Social Tourism Organization – said that, as the region is the first and only archipelago in the world certified as a Sustainable Tourism Destination by the standards of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), it is crucial to follow sustainable practices that benefit the experience of tourists. The head of the Tourism department intervened in a round table on the theme “A responsible and sustainable tourism destination: what does it mean, how to embody it and with which tourism stakeholders?” As referred to in the press release by the Azorean executive, Mário Mota Borges presented the paradigm of the Azores and the good practices that have been implemented in the region, revealing the success of the broad collaborative approach and a firm strategy of the Regional Government of the Azores towards sustainability. Related the excellent performance of the Autonomous Region of the Azores in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the Regional Secretary stated the high levels of safety existing in the Azores, which make the region a destination of excellence and able to respond to the great challenges of today, in a responsible and sustainable way. Source: Diário Notícias


Sustainability Charter represents a treaty of inspiration and guidance standards for the Azores

The President of the Regional Government of the Azores, José Manuel Bolieiro, defended on the evening of Thursday, 30th of September 2021, that the Azores Sustainability Charter, an initiative of the Regional Secretariat for Transport, Tourism and Energy, represents a “true treaty of norms of inspiration and guidance ”for the Region. “In terms of environmental sustainability, the legacy of the Azores is a world reference. And it’s not just for being so, it’s also for being recognized worldwide”, also referred José Manuel Bolieiro, speaking at the end of the signing of the Azores Sustainability Booklet by the members of the XIII Regional Government. The session took place in the city of Horta and the event was part of the World Tourism Day celebrations. “We have an affirmed sustainability policy. We have an action plan for sustainability in our development”, praised the President of the Government, for whom steps should also be taken in other areas and there should be a “progressive path” of “social, economic and also cultural sustainability”. José Manuel Bolieiro also recalled that this moment was seized by the Executive to reflect “on the sustainability” of tourism “in its most holistic view”, with the XIII Regional Government having a “deep idea of territorial cohesion”, in which “not even the biggest nor the smallest island will be left behind in the defined objectives”. Before that, the Regional Secretary for Transport, Tourism and Energy, Mário Mota Borges, highlighted the work carried out with regard to tourism recovery for the post-covid-19 period. “The Azores has been consolidating its position as a tourist destination for Nature, increasingly associated with an idyllic, welcoming and sustainable image. These are differentiating forces that bring us great benefits, but also great responsibility. It is, for all that, that we reaffirm today our leading role in the development of sustainable tourism”, he said. The document signed on Thursday publicly assumes the commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, declared by the United Nations, and to the sustainability of the Azores tourist destination. The Azores Sustainability Charter is an initiative of the Regional Secretariat for Transport, Tourism and Energy and already has 155 subscribing entities, with more than 600 commitments aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals to be achieved. This initiative took place in the same week that the Region receives the EarthCheck auditor, an entity certified by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), within the scope of the renewal process of the Silver level certification as a Sustainable Tourist Destination. Source: Governo dos Açores


Azores Regional Government claims leadership in commitment to Sustainability

According to the program of activities associated with the celebration of World Tourism Day, the XIII Regional Government signed the Azores Sustainability Charter on Thursday, 30th of september 2021, in the city of Horta. The President of the Regional Government of the Azores, José Manuel Bolieiro, the Vice President, Artur Lima, and the other members of the Executive signed the document as a way of publicly reinforce the commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, declared by the United Nations, and with the sustainability of the azores tourist destination. The Azores Sustainability Charter is an initiative of the Regional Secretariat for Transport, Tourism and Energy and have already 155 subscribing entities, with more than 600 commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals to be achieved. This initiative takes place in the same week that the Region receives the EarthCheck auditor, an entity certified by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), as part of the process of renewing the Silver level certification as a Sustainable Tourist Destination. The Azores thus prove to be a leading destination in sustainability and a reference in the adoption of measures that promote sustainable development in all areas of activity, in order to ensure a better quality of life for those who reside in the Region and a differentiating experience for those who visit us. Source: Jornal Açores 9


Coordinator of the Azores DMO takes stock of the first two years of the certification

Carolina Mendonça, Coordinator of the Tourism Destination Sustainability Structure – Azores DMO takes stock of the first two years of the certification of the Azores as a sustainable tourist destination and states that the Region is working to achieve Level II of the Silver Certification, reaching the Gold Certification in 2024. AO. Two years after the Azores achieved EarthCheck’s Silver certification as a sustainable tourist destination, what practical effects is this certification having, whether at an economic, business or environmental level? CM. The idea behind the certification process is not to achieve perfection, but to demonstrate that the destination is committed to developing continuous improvements in favor of sustainable economic, social, cultural and environmental development. The effects are visible. From the outset, it increased the reputation of the destination, highlighting the image of the Azores at an international level, as the first and only archipelago to achieve sustainability certification in accordance with the strict criteria, internationally accepted, of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). The Azores are increasingly asserting themselves as a leading reference destination, and the certification reinforced this strategic positioning, giving greater notoriety and competitive differentiation to the Region, responding to the requirements of international tourist demand for non-massified destinations, of nature and by authentic experiences, with an immersive contact, but with respect for local communities. It is evident that this brings benefits to the Region as a whole, where the government, businesses, the local community and tourists benefit. For the effects to be visible in the short, medium and long term, the process requires the involvement of several agents, and this was an almost immediate positive impact, due to the dedication, collaboration and involvement of the various local partners for a common goal. The Destination’s Sustainability Action Plan is the result of this collaborative work, in defining a set of sustainable commitments that the various entities proposed to work on in the definition of goals and objectives, aiming at the sustainable development of the destination, which most of the actions of 2019 have already been completed. We have already seen improvements in the various pillars of sustainability. Sustainability commitments and progress can be found on our website: In addition, the Azores Sustainability Charter, which was created in 2017, with 41 participating entities, and already encompasses 160 subscribing entities, with more than 500 commitments, towards the sustainable development of the Region related to the effective management of resources, reuse of materials, the preference for purchasing local/regional products, the implementation of an ethical purchasing policy, which has been promoting the circular economy, the social and ethical responsibility of companies, and the protection of environmental heritage. AO. What has been the role of the Tourism Destination Sustainability Structure – Azores DMO (Destination Management Organization) in the dissemination of this certification and its application? CM. Azores DMO works under the Regional Secretariat for Transport, Tourism and Energy, and coordinates the destination’s sustainability efforts, using the Tourism engine as a catalyst for sustainable development. It is a huge teamwork and collaboration, where everyone is part and work towards for a common goal. Within the scope of the Azores DMO Structure, several sustainability work groups were created, and we promoted various moments of consultation with local agents in all-region (nine islands). We have also promoted various education and awareness-raising actions on sustainable tourism issues in the school community. We use social networks such as facebook and instagram to promote our work and interact with the local community, especially with younger people. AO. This year, the Azores will be again subject to an audit to verify compliance with the sustainability criteria. From the experience gathered since 2019, what are the advantages and threats for the Azores in this process at the moment? CM. In addition to the various awards of international recognition, the Azores also have a vast portfolio of products that have allowed it to support a sustained and high-quality tourist development. The differentiating character of the destination is combined with the fact that we are going through the second year of the certification process, which brings us the benefit of the lessons learned from the first audit of the destination. We also gathered a set of evidence of progress and improvements since the first audit, which makes us feel better prepared, with a reinforced team from Azores DMO, to receive an audit this year with a view to achieving Level II of EarthCheck’s Silver certification. We prefer to call it challenges instead of threats, and in the Azores we still have several challenges to overcome. Sustainability is an ongoing process, and we must have the humility and responsibility to work on continuous improvement in the various areas that are part of the destination’s sustainability. AO. Are the Azores able to aspire to EarthCheck’s Gold Award? And when will they be able to reach the maximum level of certification as a sustainable destination? CM. EarthCheck’s regulations define 5 levels of sustainability, and each time we climb a step in that level, the process becomes more demanding, since every year we must demonstrate improvements compared to the previous year. In order to achieve Gold Certification, we still have to climb 3 steps from the current Silver Certification. We are currently working towards achieving Level II Silver Certification, and we estimate that in 2024 we will be ready to achieve Gold Certification. Maintaining a sustainable destination requires a commitment from all residents, public entities, government and companies, as these are the true protagonists of the destination’s sustainability. The government has an essential role in defining and implementing policies that foster economic balance and prosperity, social well-being, quality education, corporate health, and the conservation and protection of the environment. Companies can assume their social and ethical responsibility towards the environment and people, and bring innovative solutions, leveraging enormous benefits for sustainable development, including for the health and well-being of society; and of course, residents and tourists themselves must adopt responsible habits and behavior, thus contributing to the sustainability of the destination. Through this holistic …


Azores aim to achieve gold as a Sustainable Tourist Destination

The Azores want to raise sustainability standards and achieve, in 2024, the certification of gold as a sustainable tourist destination, said the Regional Secretary for Transport, Tourism and Energy, Mário Mota Borges. In 2019, the Azores were the first region in the country certified as a sustainable tourist destination, a distinction awarded with the “silver” category by Earthcheck. EarthCheck is an international certification and consultancy group for scientific benchmarking in travel and tourism, operating since 1987. The certification responded to the criteria of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, an international accreditation body for the certification of sustainable tourism. The Azores certification process began in 2017, proclaimed by the United Nations as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism. At the meeting of the Advisory Committee for the Sustainability of the Destination, in Ponta Delgada, the Regional Secretary for Transport, Tourism and Energy stressed the need to raise the standards of sustainability of the Azores as a tourist destination, preserving nature of the Region. In 2024, the Azores intend to achieve gold certification as a sustainable tourist destination. Source: Publituris


Azores distinguished in international environmental quality award for sustainable tourism

The Azores were elected in 2021 as a Platinum “Coast of Quality” Destination, an international award that distinguishes coastal environmental quality for sustainable tourism. In the criteria defined by the Green Destinations, the Azores achieved a level of compliance of 97.8% of the sustainability indicators: Destination Management; Nature and Landscape; Environment and Climate; Culture and Tradition; Social Welfare; Business and Hospitality. Green Destinations is a non-profit organization for the development and recognition of sustainable destinations, which supports more than 200 destinations in 60 countries with the aim of promoting responsible tourism based on globally expired principles and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The “Quality Coast” Platinum award was assigned for the first time to the Azores in 2014 as the best destination in Europe in terms of sustainable tourism, with an independent performance check of the destination’s progress every two years. The Quality Coast program, developed by the Green Destination Award & Certification Program, challenges destinations to promote responsible management on a continuous and sustainable basis, in order to encourage the tourism sector to implement important environmental measures. Destinations compromise to a sustainable management system, with an external performance and progress audit every two years, with recommendations for improvement. This award is especially intended for seaside destinations. Special attention is given to shores, beach management and bathing water quality. The Platinum “Quality Coast” certification is the highest-level award of global recognition for the quality and management of the destination, based on the criteria defined by the Green Destinations. Source: Governo Regional dos Açores


Azores awards environmental excellence in tourist accommodation

The Regional Secretary for Environment and Climate Change took advantage of the World Environment Day to present the Miosotis Azores awards. This is an award to recognize environmental excellence in tourist accomodation. Alonso Miguel highlighted the importance of this award and the effort made to ensure good practices from the point of view of environmental sustainability, highlighting the sector’s additional effort in meeting all the difficulties faced over the last year and a half with the Covid-19 pandemic. The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change assured that he will continue to promote environmental sustainability, guaranteeing hard and constant work in the preservation, conservation and promotion of the natural heritage, along with innovation and assistance in the implementation of good environmental practices in the tourism industry. It was with this context that, in 2012, the Miosotis Açores award was created, which aims to distinguish good practices carried out by the accommodation units. Currently, the Azores has 136 awarded accommodation units, 34 of which will receive the award this year for the first time.. Alonso Miguel stated that this is a regional environmental recognition distinction, rigorous and without any associated costs, adapted to local characteristics, which provides technical monitoring in order to encourage Azorean accommodation units to implement good sustainability practices, valuing and recognizing those who work in that direction. The Miosotis Açores award covers different areas, namely in terms of saving resources, namely water and electricity, correct waste management and protecting the protection and enhancement of biodiversity, as well as promoting local products and services. Source: Açoriano Oriental


Azores approve new walking routes

Nine new walking routes were approved in the Azores regional network. The regional network of walking routes now counts 95 official walking routes, an increase of 75km, reaching a total length of 830 km. Among the walking routes is the “Grande Rota” on Terceira island, with about 34 km, which brings to 7 the total number of Grandes Routes in the archipelago. The promoters of the new proposals, mostly municipalities and parish councils, have 12 months to implement the completed paths, and some new proposals are expected to be opened later this summer. The Regional Tourism office is fully responsible for implementing the signage, information panels and communication of these new 106.3 km of walking routes. The network of walking routes in the Azores is now strengthened, “enhancing the tourist product of hiking, which is considered one of the core products and most demanded by those visiting the destination”. In addition to the diversification of walking routes, with itineraries that allow you to enjoy new landscapes, “the new trails will contribute to a better distribution of tourist flows across the nine islands of the Azores”, the regional government said in a statement. The current Pedestrian Route Monitoring Committee, which handles the approval of the routes, is met by a representative of each of the following entities: Regional Tourism office, who presides; Regional for Environment and Climate Change office; Regional for Forest Resources office, Association of Municipalities of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, Azores Tourism Association, Association in the area of Pedestrianism, Regional Delegation of the National Association of Parishes. Source: Publituris